Bolt Card Designers

We are proud to be able to offer custom bolt cards with and without laser lights (aka LEDs).

If you have an idea or a design that you want to make a reality, please take a look at these guidelines to see what we need from you.

We are constantly innovating and looking to add new capabilities so be sure to keep up to date with these on this page and on our Twitter feed at @LaserEyesCards .

Image size

The image is printed to the PVC bolt card with retransfer technology (rather than direct to card). This gives a durable finish and the best rendering possible.

Print density is 300 dpi (dots per inch, 1 dot = 1 pixel, 1 inch = 25.4 mm)
Print size 1036 x 664 pixels (3.453” x 2.213”) (87.71mm x 56.21mm)
Card size 1013 x 639 pixels (3.377” x 2.130”) (85.78mm x 54.10mm)

The standard payment card size is CR80 with these dimensions:
3.375″ x 2.125″ (85.6 mm x 54 mm) and corner radius of 0.09″ (2.29 mm)

LED number & colour & position

Each LED light is on a small module including a power pickup coil.
Modules should ideally not overlap.

Each module has dimensions in mm as shown.

The modules are very thin with the exception of the LED itself.
This may allow some overlap but makes production a little more difficult.

LEDs light up when power is available and are independent from each other.
An NFC electromagnetic field can typically power 30+ LED lights.
The NFC electromagnetic field is not uniform and varies for different driving devices so testing is advised for the best results.

LEDs should be at least 15mm (177px) from the edge of the card.
LEDs should be at least 6mm (71px) from each other and preferably further for ease of manufacture.

Artistic considerations

Arrange the graphics around the white LED pin holes such that the LED position is not seen before it lights up for best effect.

For example, on our ‘selfie’ cards, the white pinhole can often contrast with pupils and dark coloured eyes, looking creepy and drawing attention before the LEDs light up. This is why the gangsta glasses are used - the contrasting colours around the pupils allow the pinhole positions to be effectively disguised before they light up for best effect.

 The LED positioning is very important to achieving the best result and must be specified to pixel level precision. Our production process is very accurate.

Back side of card

This is a standard graphic as shown.



Proofs are supplied digitally in order to check the image boundaries, LED positions and colours.

Gallery listing

Where the card is listed in the Laser Eyes Bolt Cards gallery, there is no design fee from us and we will work with you to achieve the best result possible.

Royalties, recognition and brand promotion

Bolt Cards are listed in our gallery with the designer name.

Alongside your name, we can also add a link to your website for further promotion of your goods and services.

We have a free market approach to royalty payments. Cards produced from your design will always get a royalty of your choosing above the base price.

Send us your design/s

Please send designs by email to [email protected] using the template below.
Of course, there can be multiple designs per designer and multiple LEDs per design.

Contact email: 
Lightning address (for royalties): 
Designer name (as you wish it to appear): 
Designer website (a website link or blank if not needed): 
Design/s (copy this section for multiple designs)
Design name: 
Additional royalty (sats): 
Design image (1036 x 664 pixels, PNG format, attached): 
Red LED/s
LED 1 Position (x ,y in pixels for the centre): 
LED 2 Position (x ,y in pixels for the centre): 

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions or to discuss your ideas.
We are very excited to work with you and make your designs into cool bolt cards.

Laser Eyes Cards